Program Benefits
Unlock weight loss resistance
Teach your body how to access fat stores to convert into energy
Feel balanced energy all day long
End cravings and hangry mood swings
Feel empowered over food choices
Learn how to boost athletic performance with the right ratio of macro nutrients for you
Optimize immune and gut health with nutrients and minerals from whole food sources
Reconnect back to your natural hormone cues for appetite and satiety
Regain trust and body confidence to feel good in the skin you're in
Weekly Timeline
Week 1
Pantry clean out and makeover. Cut our sugar and refined carbs from diet. Learn detox strategies to remove toxins from the body.
Week 2
Learn how to eat for a healthy metabolism choosing foods, exploring recipes, and making meals, including meals on the go.
Week 3
Introduce 24 hour broth fast and learn fasting and movement strategies to recharge metabolic health.
Week 4
Return to your regular metabolic diet, understanding the principles of metabolic flexibility and feeling empowered to know what to eat, when to eat, and when to pause based on your body's natural cues and hormone cycles. Feel stronger, leaner, healthier and energized about your diet and relationship with food.
What's Included
Metabolic nutrition plan
Whole food recipes
Meal planning guide
Macro nutrient recommendations
Product swaps, metabolic meal makeovers, pantry clean out guide and shopping list
Yoga 5 Class Pack for any class I teach at Yoga Barn​
Yoga Strong - Tue 7p • Wed 9:30a • Thur 7:30a​
Soul Flow - Sun 9:00a
4 Group Health Coaching sessions at Yoga Barn on Tuesdays (after my Yoga Strong class), 8:15-9:15p
Dates: Jan 11, 18, 25 & Feb 1
Health coaching sessions will be available to join remotely through Google Meet
Online community group to connect with fellow met-resetters
Healthy habits that support a lifetime of vibrant health